Recent CodeSOD

Code Snippet Of the Day (CodeSOD) features interesting and usually incorrect code snippets taken from actual production code in a commercial and/or open source software projects.

Feb 2024

A Few Updates

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Brian was working on landing a contract with a European news agency. Said agency had a large number of intranet applications of varying complexity, all built to support the news business.

Now, they understood that, as a news agency, they had no real internal corporate knowledge of good software development practices, so they did what came naturally: they hired a self-proclaimed "code guru" to built the system.

You Need an Alert

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Gabe enjoys it when clients request that he does updates on old software. For Gabe, it's exciting: you never know what you'll discover.

Public Sub AspJavaMessage(ByVal Message As String)
  System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=""JavaScript"">" & vbCrLf)
  System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("alert(""" & Message & """)" & vbCrLf)
End Sub

A Split Purpose

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Let's say you had input in the form of field=value, and you wanted to pick that "value" part off. In C#, you'd likely just use String.Split and call it a day. But you're not RK's co-worker.

public string FilterArg(string value)
    bool blAction;
    if (value.Contains('='))
        blAction = false;
        blAction = true;

    string tmpValue = string.Empty;

    foreach (char t in value)
        if (t == '=')
            blAction = true;
        else if (t != ' ' && blAction == true)
            tmpValue += t;
    return tmpValue;

Climbing Optimization Mountain

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"Personal Mountains" was hearing dire rumors about one of the other developers; rumors about both the quality of their work and their future prospects at the company. Fortunately for Personal Mountains, they never actually had to work with this person.

Unfortunately, that person was fired and 30,000 lines of code were now Personal Mountains' responsibility.

The Default Path

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I've had the misfortune to inherit a VB .Net project which started life as a VB6 project, but changed halfway through. Such projects are at best confused, mixing idioms of VB6's not-quite object oriented programming with .NET's more modern OO paradigms, plus all the chaos that a mid-project lanugage change entails. Honestly, one of the worst choices Microsoft ever made (and they have made a lot of bad choices) was trying to pretend that VB6 could easily transition into VB .Net. It was a lie that too many managers fell for, and too many developers had to try and make true.

Maurice inherited one of these projects. Even worse, the project started in a municipal IT department then was handed of to a large consulting company. Said consulting company then subcontracted the work out to the lowest bidder, who also subcontracted out to an even lower bidder. Things spiraled out of control, and the resulting project had 5,188 GOTO statements in 1321 code files. None of the code used Option Explicit (which requires you to define variables before you use them), or Option Strict (which causes errors when you misuse implicit data-type conversions). In lieu of any error handling, it just pops up message boxes when things go wrong.

Route to Success

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Imagine you're building a PHP web application, and you need to display different forms on different pages. Now, for most of us, we'd likely be using some framework to solve this problem, but even if we weren't, the obvious solution of "use a different PHP file for each screen" is a fairly obvious solution.

Dare I say, too obvious a solution?

Merge the Files

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XML is, arguably, an overspecified language. Every aspect of XML has a standard to interact with it or transform it or manipulate it, and that standard is also defined in XML. Each specification related to XML fits together into a soup that does all the things and solves every problem you could possibly have.

Though Owe had a problem that didn't quite map to the XML specification(s). Specifically, he needed to parse absolutely broken XML files.

While Nothing

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José received a bit of VB .Net UI code that left him scratching his head.

While IsNothing(Me.FfrmWait)
    If Not IsNothing(Me.FfrmWait) Then
        Exit While
    End If
End While

Timestamped File Name

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It's been a minute since some bad date handling code. Wesley inherited this C# blob which exists to generate timestamped filenames.

// filename format = yyyyMMddhhmmss_<bipad>.dat

char c0 = '0';

this.m_FileName = 
	DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + 
	new String(c0, 2-DateTime.Now.Month.ToString().Length) + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + 
	new String(c0, 2-DateTime.Now.Day.ToString().Length) + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + 
	new String(c0, 2-DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString().Length) + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + 
	new String(c0, 2-DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString().Length) + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + 
	new String(c0, 2-DateTime.Now.Second.ToString().Length) + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() + 
	"_" + new String(c0, 5-publication.Bipad.ToString().Length) + publication.Bipad.ToString() + 

Return Country

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Let's say you have a database table containing a list of countries. Given the primary key of a country in that table- an arbitrary ID field- you need to look up the name of that country.

Curtis's predecessor dropped this solution:

Max Character Width

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One of the "features" of the Oracle database is that, in addition to the "wonderful" PL/SQL language for building stored procedures, you can also write stored procedures in Java.

Now, the skills of "being a good database programmer" and "being a good Java programmer" are not necessarily overlapping, especially when you're deep in the world of Oracle's approach to programming. Which is where this submission, from Tomas comes from.

A Well Known Address

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Amanda's company wanted to restrict access to a service by filtering on the requestor's IP address. Yes, this is a terrible idea. So they wanted to make it a bit smarter, and also filter on various subnets. But they had a LOT of different subnets.

So the result was this: