Recent Error'd

Error'd features fun error messages and other visual oddities from the world of IT.

Oct 2021

Is This The Real Life

by in Error'd on

To atone for last week's errant Error'd, this week we're giving you 20% extra at no additional charge. For reals.

An anonymous submission starts us off. Ordinarily we wouldn't repost from social media but this is just too delicious.

Outages, Prices, and Catastrophe

by in Error'd on

Shaun F noticed an outage.

cloudflare's website demonstrating a cloudflare outage.

"Maybe," Shaun writes, "they should use the Cloudflare Always Online service."

Counting to One

by in Error'd on

Two of today's ticklers require a little explanation, while the others require little.

Kicking things off this week, an anonymous reporter wants to keep their password secure by not divulging their identity. It won't work, that's exactly the same as my Twitch password. "Twitch seems to be split between thinking whether my KeePass password is strong or not," they wrote. Explanation: The red translates to "This password is too easy to guess", while the green 'Stark' translates as "you've chosen a very good password indeed."

Money for Nothin'

by in Error'd on

... and gigs for free.

"Apple is magical," rhapsodizes music-lover Daniel W.

Persnickety Sticklers Redux

by in Error'd on

This week's installation of Error'd includes a few submissions which honestly don't seem all that WTFy. In particular, this first one from the unsurnamed Steve. I've included it solely so I can pedantically proclaim "24 is not between 1 and 24!" There is still a wtf here though. What is with this error message?

Insufficiently pedantic Steve humorlessly grumbles "Configuring data pruning on our Mirth Integration Engine. Mirth can do many things, just can't count up to 24."