Recent Error'd

Error'd features fun error messages and other visual oddities from the world of IT.

Feb 2020

Just Following Out of Order Orders

by in Error'd on

"Instructables alphabetic sorting by each country's name in its own language (i.e. Spain == Espana) is a great idea, but it kind of makes for a hard to navigate list," writes Peter L.

Identification Without Authentication

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Mark M. wrote, "While I was reading the Feb 6th DailyWTF, Feedly chimed in with this helpful comment that really put it in context."

A Taste of Nil

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"This nil looks pretty tasty, but I think I’m allergic to it since I always feel sick when I see it in my debugger," Kevin T. writes.

Con(text)ual Errors

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"A football coach needs at least a two line footer to succeed," writes Ergin S.