Scheduling Buttumptions
by Jane Bailey
in CodeSOD
on 2015-04-02
Steph had been at this job long enough to be fairly good at it, but not quite long enough to have peeked in all the dark corners yet. As such, when she heard that there was an issue with scheduled jobs, her first thought was to poke through cron to see if she could pick out what schedule was misbehaving. Apparently, all of them- cron was empty.
Confused, she went to her team lead Greg, asking about where she might find the scheduling setup. And that was when she heard about Travie the Whiz Kid. A junior developer with no degree, he'd been hired solely based on his ability to talk a big game about how he single-handedly saved several companies by providing them with innovative websites during the dot-com bubble... when he was twelve. The Whiz Kid was a Special Snowflake; he preferred to reinvent the wheel rather than implement stable but "boring" code. Upper management was convinced he was an unparalleled genius, and had exempted him from the usual QA standards. Unfortunately, he'd grown utterly bored with Business Intelligence and transferred to the Web team, leaving his inventions behind for Steph to maintain.