Lyle Seaman

networking, security infra and filesystems kernel hacker turned application programmer, SRE and engineering manager, Lyle traded tilting at windmills for viking at Vikings but couldn't catch any.

Jun 2024

Up In Smoke

by in Error'd on

Happy Friday to those who celebrate. Enjoy it while it lasts, because Greg L. has some bad news. "It was nice hanging out with all of you, but it looks like the Sun is scheduled to expire Sunday morning." It's worse than that: the laws of physics are being replaced.


Just Beastly

by in Error'd on

Not to be outdone by Michael R., another prolific participant styles himself The Beast In Black. A handful of his experiences follow here. [psst. Mr Black. Check out this explanation of a half-closed interval)

Buyer Beast bemoans "I knew that the global situation was bad, but when Amazon starts offering disdiscounts (or discountcounts, perhaps?) you know that the world is truly up the toilet without a paddle roll."

All Michael

by in Error'd on

One of our most dedicated readers, Michael R., is also one of our most dedicated contributors, sometimes sending us several submissions in a single day. We haven't featured all of them, but now we're making up for that. Today, it's wall-to-wall Michael, mostly food misadventures. Michael might tell you we've cooked the plot, but he can't prove it.

On leaving France (it's a long story), Michael was confused at the airport. "Yo Sushi at Charles de Gaulle Terminal, please make up your mind about what payment types you accept." I think this one is pretty clear; just because a sign says they accept one form of payment it doesn't mean they categorically reject all others. So if your card is on either sign, you're covered. I hope he got fed.

Just a Taste

by in Error'd on

I'm fresh out of snark this week, so I'm relying on the rest of you to carry the load for me. Tote that barge, etc.

First up is a timely comment from an anonymous reader: "Even Kronos admits their software is a pain."