Lyle Seaman

networking, security infra and filesystems kernel hacker turned application programmer, SRE and engineering manager, Lyle traded tilting at windmills for viking at Vikings but couldn't catch any.

Dec 2024

Killing Time

by in Error'd on

The Hatter was framed! He didn't even do it! Nil Corpus Delecti, et cetera.

Yet Yitz O. , up to some kind of skullduggery, observed a spacetime oddity. "When trying to compare some results from a GetOrders call via the ebay api, I noticed something weird was happening with the DateTimes in the response. The attached is 3 calls to get the same order, made in quick succession. The millisecond part of all the DateTimes matched the millisecond part of the *current* time (which you can see in the TimeStamp field. I assume it's because they rolled their own DateTime functionality and are Getting a UTC time by subtracting the difference between the local time and the UTC time, and one of those values doesn't have the millisecond value in it, but it's the ebay api so who knows." Undoubtedly a bug that nobody ever noticed because they probably just ignore the millis altogether.


by in Error'd on

Rational Tim R. observed "When setting up my security camera using the ieGeek app there seem to be two conflicting definitions of sensitivity. I hope the second one is wrong, but if it's right, I really hope the first one is wrong."



by in Error'd on

The weather isn't the only thing that's balmy around this parts.

For instance Bruce, who likes it hot. "Westford, MA is usually bracing for winter in December, but this year we got another day of warm temperatures. The feels like temperature was especially nice."

Doubled Daniel

by in Error'd on

This week, a double dose of Daniel D.

First he shared a lesson he titled "Offer you can't refuse a.k.a. Falsehood programmers believe about prices" explaining "Some programmers believe that new prices per month (when paid annually) are always better then the old ones (when paid monthly). Only this time they have forgotten their long-time clients on legacy packages."