Lyle Seaman

networking, security infra and filesystems kernel hacker turned application programmer, SRE and engineering manager, Lyle traded tilting at windmills for viking at Vikings but couldn't catch any.

Oct 2022

Paint it Black

by in Error'd on

Prescriptivist Phil pronounces "Alas, I've been saying these wrong my whole life. But at least my way I can say it in one breath." At least your way I can say it within my remaining lifespan, Phil!

Fire and Ice

by in Error'd on

Some say the world will end in fire , a great American poet once penned. Not wanting to run afoul of his heirs and assigns, I'll leave you to find the rest of it for yourselves. For my own two bits, let me say that while ice may suffice, nothing but nothing is quite like twice.

Gordon S. writes to alert us to an unusual weather event next week. Good news, though. The boss says you can take the day off.