Jake Vinson

Jun 2006

Classic WTF - And I think I'll call it .... "Referential Integrity" !

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One thing I absolutely hate about working with databases is when you have to use more than one table. Don't get me wrong, I'm usually able to shove all of my data in one table, but some times you just have no choice. Thanks to Jason Strate, I'm going to be prepared next time I use multiple tables. His colleague was able to figure out a way to ensure that no one goes adding rows willy-nilly. It's sheer brilliance!

Classic WTF - Whatever you do, don't click that button ...

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... because if you do, the DoNothing subroutine will fire! And don't even think about closing this web page (from Phil Harvey) ... it could cancel your fax transmission!

Classic WTF - Pointless Pointless Pointless Pointless Pointless Pointless Pointless

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Alex will be back tomorrow with a new WTF. For today, here's a classic WTF from me!

I'm sure we all have our stories of nightmarish projects inherited from clients, whether the secretary's cousin programmed a critical application in JavaScript or a community outreach program let a group home design their customer relationship management application.  Imagine my surprise when we got one that had beautifully written, well-commented ASP pages.  I thought this would be easy.

Classic WTF - Enter the Matrix

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Alex is out of town today, so let's revisit a classic!  FileMatrix is an example of the exact opposite of Apple's typical UI design.  Whereas Apple will create a development environment that operates entirely from one blinky, rainbow-colored button on the screen (which you click one way to enter text, another way to compile, etc.), today's example is a piece of software that really empowers the user.

The Matrix!  No, not the the uburbulous deprodication errebelously conceived by "The Architect". I'm talking about the other matrix - The FileMatrix. Agent "G. Nickerson" was kind enough to send in a link to this UI where "simplicity" and "ease of use" seem to have gone the way of the telegraph. Take a gander for yourself: